'Ship to Loof for God' - D. Krauss
'Ship Looking for God' - D. Krauss
'Ship Finding God' - D. Krauss
'Rhiannon - Alex Morris-Eyton
' A Different Beast' (Trilogy)
'Out of the Woods' - Andy Duncan
'The Guide to Screenwriting' Second Edition - Geoff Calhoun
'Recall' - JW Bell
'The Winged Man ' - Richard Combs
'The Zero Sum Balance' - J-W Bell
'Gypso de Kaimo' - Paul Centeno
'Cast of Crabs' - Mark Covington
'Legends of the Flame' - Peter Younghusband
'The Emerald Necklace' - Roger Goodlett
'The Gates to Hell' - Caroline Addenbrooke
A series of children's books by The Enchanting Storyland of Jacinta Rose